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Road Info & Maps

A township road is a road that is constructed or maintained by the township. All Ross Lake roads classified as township roads are public roads. There are no private roads classified as township roads. Ross Lake Township has 14 miles of township roads. There are 3.5 miles of asphalt roads and 10.5 miles of gravel roads. Contractors interested in providing construction or road maintenance services should contact the Road Supervisor.

Snow removal across a road

Residents are reminded that plowing across or depositing snow and ice onto a public roadway is a misdemeanor under Minnesota Statute 160.2715 and 169.42 under littering. Piles of snow left on or near the road can freeze into a solid mass creating a hazardous situation for vehicles and snowplows. Accidents and damages caused by snow piles placed in the roadway may result in liability to the property owner. Click HERE for more information about the statute.


MN Statute 169.42 Sub 1

MN Statute 160.2715

Signs in a right of way

Minnesota Statute 160.2715 prohibits the unauthorized placement of signs, including political signs, in a public right-of-way. This includes installing signs, as well as painting, printing or attaching advertisements on any object within the limits of a public right-of-way.​ Click HERE for more info about the statute.

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